Pomology and Viticulture Uncategorized

Everything else

Well. Here we are. Because I don’t yet know what you Inta-webbers will want to comment on, this page is a temporary garbage dump for comments on topics that I haven’t yet made a blog post for. For instance, if I get a lot of comments on apricots, then I’ll make a special page for them. If I get a lot of comments on the Kardashians… well, I’m going to delete those. There’s too much space wasted on that shit already.

Comment box is below:

Peaches Pomology and Viticulture

Peaches and Nectarines

This is a good place to leave your comments on this site’s information on peaches and nectarines… see the box below…

(you might have to scroll down… no. I said down. You’re already at the top of the page! How can you not know up from down, grandpa? It was the same before computers came along! (Oh. You’ve been watching Fox News? That explains it. ))

Pawpaws Pomology and Viticulture


As a favorite food of all possums and those humans who a) know about them and b) aren’t allergic (about 1% of humanity is unfortunately allergic to pawpaws), pawpaws elicit a lot of discussion around the Inta-webs. If you want to leave comments about the bit of information provided on this site, just type it below.

The fragrance of ripe pawpaws on a hot Southern night! Whoo-doggies! That is some nice perfume!

Pears Pomology and Viticulture


Here’s a good place to leave comments about pears.

If you want to leave a detailed description of a pear that you find especially noteworthy, a different page is a good place to record it for pos-pearity.

apples Pomology and Viticulture


Here’s a good place to leave comments about apples.

You can rate apples you’ve tried on the linked form (just refresh page to rate more than one apple.)